Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pirate Parrrtay! Arrgggggh!

Every year Todd's family throws a big Halloween party with a theme. This year was Pirates. They decorated his aunts house really fancy and there was pirate stuff everywhere! I should've gotten pictures! They had pirate statues and dry ice out by the pool with miniature boats floating in the water. They had a giant blow-up slide (the kind you rent) and it was HUGE! Mom even went on it! There was a ton of food and balloons and everything! It was such a fun party. Here are some pictures of mine and Todd's costumes! Oh, and the girl in the pink is Todd's little sister Kellene. I hope everyone had a fun weekend!


PMClan said...

You guys look awesome! Love the long hair Todd.

Gini said...
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Ally said...

Cute costumes!