Monday, July 7, 2008


Sorry, long time no posts! I need to get better at this and not get so behind! Anyways, I am sad to admit that we just got back from California and I have no pictures to show for it! We spent the day at the beach on the 4th and I didn't want my camera to get all sandy so I didn't take it with me, and then we went back to the beach to watch fireworks and I didn't bring it then either! But, we are going to San Diego this weekend so hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures of that!! I hope everyone had a fun 4th of July!! Also, thanks to Mom, Dad, Sam and Janae for hosting Bella's party, Todd and I had a lot of fun, but it is really hard not to have fun with all of our family!! I will post more throughout the week and when we get back from Cali, I just wanted to update everyone quick! P.S. My birthday is in 3 days!! Todd is very excited because I will no longer be a teenager!!

1 comment:

Ryan ♥ Breelyn said...

Oh yea you updated! No longer be a teenager??? Wow that makes me feel old! :) You guys have been travelling so much lately I'm jealous! I would love to get away for short little vacations like you guys. Have fun in San Diego and take pictures!~